Pointer to Pointer

A pointer to a pointer stores address of another pointer i.e it points to a pointer.


type** var_name;
type denotes that it points to pointer to a variable of which type.
Datatype of pointer to a pointer is type**

A quick code snippet

Here's a quick code snippet to make you comfortable with the notations
int **p2p,*ptr,a=300;



printf("%p %p %p",ptr,p2p,&p2p);
Here's a quick picture of address and values of different variables.
           p2p                 ptr                  a

Address  0xbfab60e4         0xbfab60e8          0xbfab60ec

Value    0xbfab60e8         0xbfab60ec             300
-> is read as points to and a variable points to another if it stores the address of another.
Value of a can be retreived by **p2p

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