Recursion in C

Let us start with this —>
Commonly, a non-recursive solution to a programming problem is more efficient in both runtime and memory space basis than a recursive one.
Then ,

Why recursion?

  • Recursive functions are relatively shorter and so they are easier to write and debug.
  • If iterative solution is very complex,then recursion would be a good substitute.
  • Useful if you are applying the same solution.

What is a recursive function?

1. A function calling itself

This can be shown by
Below is the code snippet
void rec_fn()                     

2. A function is in a cycle of function calls.
This can be shown by

Code snippet:

void rec_fn()

        void fn1()
            return ;

            void fn2()
We are going to study only the 1st type of recursion.

  • A program to calculate factorial of a number using recursion


int factorial(int);

void main()
    int fact,no;
    printf("Enter a number");
    printf("\nFactorial = %d",fact);

int factorial(int num)
        return 1;
        return num*factorial(num-1);
Now lets trace the above program for no=3.

 How is recursion implemented by compilers ?

Using a call stack.It is a data structure used by the program to store information about the active subroutines.
Call stack comprises of stack frames also called as activation records.
  • For each activation of a function,a stack frame is pushed onto the call stack.
  • When function is completely executed,its activation record is popped off from the stack.
Now lets see the structure of activation record —->

  • Return value
  • Return address——————>where to return after a function has executed.
  • Actual parameters————–>parameters that are passed to the called procedure.
  • Control link(Dynamic Link)—>points to activation record of calling procedure.
  • Access Link(Static Link)
  • Saved machine status
  • Local variables——————->variables local to a function.
  • Temporaries

Step by step view of call stack  for finding factorial of 3 in the above program is shown below.

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